Only You Can Help Yourself

Hi there! Today I will be taking a break from the boring stuff that was my life. I’d like to just take a moment and share to you all that ever since I got myself out of that dark state with the help of myself and God & the Universe everything has been really working out so well! Even if life can never be perfect we still have complete control over our minds and the power to take notice of the good stuff and let go of the bad.

I know, I know I said that I helped myself and didn’t mention other people like family, friends, etc. but please keep an open mind here. You see, depression isn’t something many people acquire due to circumstance. No. It just hits you like a fucking cannonball from hell and BAM! Everything just doesn’t seem right anymore and life seem to be so bland and worthless. So for today’s topic, let’s talk about you, you, and YOU. 

There’s Just You, Yourself, And YOU


This may be something you’ve never heard of before or it might be something you are completely aware of. The only person who can actually help you is, once again, YOU. This may sound extremely selfish or untrue to most people but trust me, I’ve been there. If you disagree with me then let me ask you this question, who has control over your mind? Yes, exactly. YOU do. Others may influence it but ultimately you’re still the one making your own decisions. You can go to your psychologist and welcome your doctor’s help but at the end of the day you’re still the one who is in charge of your own mind. You may spend quality time with family and have great chats with friends but when depression strikes all of that won’t even matter at all. What’s going to matter is what YOU’RE feeling and that it sucks and you just think life is really pointless (if you don’t then fuck I’m so happy for you, seriously). So how can YOU help yourself? Many believe that help can be found externally but what I’ve learned from another failed relationship is that before we can work on anything else, we need to work on ourselves. Here are some steps that I’ve taken that actually worked for me, I hope it does for you too.



Stop for a moment and take some time off to reflect. Which part of you feel the emptiest? Which part of your life do you feel the worst about? Write them down.



After taking some time to reflect, breathe. Sit on a chair for a moment with your feet planted firmly to the ground and your spine straight. Slowly close your eyes and inhale deeply, then hold your breath for a second then exhale. Do this just around 10 times or more if you want and every time you exhale, exhale the sadness, frustrations, and anything that has been bothering you whether it’s your job, a person, or anything that’s been keeping your mind busy with negative thought lately.



Awareness is the major part of what I want to share with you. By simply being aware of your state of mind you can slowly get a hold of yourself. Whenever that familiar feeling that leads to emptiness strikes, you become aware of it and gain an upper hand. When that happens it’s good to start looking for things that you’re grateful for. I read research that says the very act of looking for things to be happy about actually releases happy hormones. But if you attempt to do this and find yourself starting to feel frustrated, stop immediately. Instead, or even if you can find happy thoughts, remember to breathe. Even just as few as a couple of breaths will already help so much.

The steps I mentioned above will already be a good start. I’ve come up with those after numerous failed attempts of getting myself out of depression. I’ve tried so many external sources for help but ended up emptier than ever. I found that I only had myself to blame for all my failures, not that I blame myself for anything, just that my actions are my own and the results are my own doing. When I started working on my inner being, everything seemed to catch on.

So friends, that’s it for now. If you have experiences or anything you want to say about what I’ve shared today do drop a comment and tell me your thoughts. I want to keep learning more about life and one of the best ways is to hear what other people have to say too. It keeps my mind open to new things and ideas. Thanks for spending some of your time here and I hope I was able to help you even in the tiniest way.

Author: Jan

Hi there! I am somebody who has gone into the lowest point of emptiness and has finally gotten the hell out of it! Good riddance you dark, dark abyss! In the past, I was struggling with a false sense of confidence, self-doubt, depression, suicidal thoughts, and most of all the loss of meaning. During those low points, I thought I was completely alone but I slowly learned that a massive chunk of the Earth's inhabitants is suffering the same way that I am. So many of us start to ask what the meaning of our existence is and what exactly is our purpose here? Anyhow, my name is Janice, but I prefer to be called by my nickname: Jan. I came here to Wordpress back when emptiness has fully consumed me, subconsciously looking for attention. That clearly only lasted me two posts with no views. Now I am here again, but instead fully renewed with a new sense of meaning. I am here to share with you how I found happiness despite the feeling of hopelessness and that I have finally found the meaning of my life. Allow me to share to you my life in the hopes of getting more and more people out of that dark cloud.

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